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Exploring sensory knowledge and pre-training language models for Chinese metaphor detection. 《International Conference on Asian Language Processing》(第一作者), 120-126.
Linguistic synesthesia detection: Leveraging culturally enriched linguistic features. (第一作者)《Natural Language Processing》,1-23.
Compounding is semantics-driven in Chinese. 《The Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Linguistics》2022: 198-219. (第三作者,与Zuoyang Song、Jiajuan Xiong、Chu-Ren Huang合作)
Linguistic synesthesia is metaphorical: A lexical-conceptual account,《Cognitive Linguistics》2022: 1-31(第一作者,与Kathleen Ahrens& Chu-Ren Huang合作)
Chinese synesthesia detection: New dataset and models,《Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022》(第二作者,与Xiaotong Jiang,  Yunfei Long, Zhongqing Wang合作)
A diachronic study on linguistic synesthesia in Chinese,《Lecture Notes in Computer Science》vol 13250:84-94,(第一作者,与Yunfei Long合作)
Multi-task CNN for Abusive Language Detection,Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.(第一作者,与 Yue Xiao; Yunfei Long合作)
Embodied conceptualization or neural realization: A corpus-driven study of Mandarin synaesthetic adjectives,2020, Springer.
Linguistic synaesthesia of Mandarin sensory adjectives: Corpus-based and experimental approaches, 2020,In Jia-Fei Hong, Yangsen Zhang & Pengyuan Liu (eds.): The 20th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-2019), LNCS 11831, Springer (第一作者,与Yunfei Long、Chu-Ren Huang合作)
Directionality of linguistic synesthesia in Mandarin: A corpus-based study, Lingua, 2019, 232(第一作者,与Chu-Ren Huang、Kathleen Ahrens合作)
Mandarin Chinese Modality Exclusivity Norms, PLoS one, 2019,14(2)(第二作者,与I-Hsuan Chen、Yunfei Long、Qin Lu、Chu-Ren Huang合作)
Synaesthesia in Chinese: A corpus-based study on gustatory adjectives in Mandarin. Linguistics, 2018, 56(5)(第一作者,与Chu-Ren Huang、Yunfei Long合作)
From linguistic synaesthesia to embodiment: Asymmetrical representations of taste and smell in Mandarin Chinese. 2018, In Yunfang Wu, Jia-Fei Hong & Qi Su (eds.): The 18th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-2017), LNAI 10709, Springer(第一作者,与Chu-Ren Huang、Yat-mei Sophia Lee 合作)
A corpus-based study on synaesthetic adjectives in Modern Chinese. 2015, In Qin Lu & Hong Gao (eds.): The 16th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-2015)LNAI 9332, Springer(第一作者,与Chu-Ren Huang 合作)
Auditory synaesthesia and near synonyms: A corpus-based analysis of sheng1 and yin1 in Mandarin Chinese. 2015, In Proceedings of the 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-29)(第一作者,与Chu-Ren Huang、Hongzhi Xu合作)
Annotating qualia relations and types in Chinese compound nouns. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 2013, 4(3)(第二作者,与Zuoyan Song合作)
Qualia relations in metaphorical noun-noun compounds. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon(第二作者,与Zuoyan Song合作)